Wednesday, July 18, 2012

First Date Gift Ideas - What Should I Bring Her?

First Date Gift Ideas - What Should I Bring Her?

Many guys have the erroneous belief that they need to bring a gift for a woman on the first date.In fact I often receive emails asking about different first date gift ideas a guy should offer a woman.To be honest, I always cringe when I receive a question like this.What I picture is a guy decked out in a fancy new clothes excitedly waiting to give his date a bouquet of roses.What the guy never expected is how getting a gift on the first date is the last thing she wants you do.So the answer to the "perfect first date idea" question is this. On your initial date, do NOT get her a gift.In fact, I think giving a woman on your initial date is one of the worst mistakes you could make.Let me tell you why.Men and women have completely different viewpoints about the first date.Most men get really excited about this date and worry about making a great first impression.They already have feelings for this woman and hope it'll go well.So the logical thought is to get a gift in the hopes of improving their chances for success.Now let's take a look at how women view the first date.First off, most women are excited about this date, because there is a chance that they might be meeting an interesting guy.Notice the key word here- MIGHT.A woman will go on a first date to find out if there is a connection to this guy.But she hasn't made a decision about him.What she's looking for is some sort of chemistry.So instead of automatically liking this guy, a woman will typically look for a spark of attraction to her date.What's funny is this is not a logical emotion.Instead it's an emotional response or "attraction" to the right guy.What does this have to do with bringing a gift on the first date?Well it's simple.When you're on the first date, the LAST thing you want to do is to bring her an expensive gift.When you do this, you're basically showing that you already have feelings for her and desperately want her to like you.If you bring a present on the date, you're complicating things.Before a woman has decided if she's interested in you, you're bombarding her with gifts and expressing your feelings.The end result is you'll make her feel uncomfortable because she doesn't know how she feels about you.Instead of getting her a gift, look at the date the same way she does.Use this time to qualify HER.Find out if she's worth dating.Even if she's a good looking girl, you should work hard to find out if there is an emotional connection.Just remember that dating comes down developing mutual attraction between you and a woman.If you concentrate on building attraction and chemistry instead of trying to impress her, you'll dramatically increase your chances of having a great first date.

First Date Gift Ideas - What Should I Bring Her?


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