Thursday, September 27, 2012

Tascam DM-4800

Tascam DM-4800

The Tascam DM-4800 is the latest addition to TASCAM's digital mixer line which provides a flexible approach to mixing and/or recording.Full-sized motorized faders, 24 rotary encoders with ring LED indicators, a dedicated "fat" channel set of controls providing instant access to common channel settings, a large clear LCD display and ergonomically-placed dedicated system controls help to make the DM-4800 intuitive and powerful to use.The Tascam DM-4800 provides a comprehensive range of I/O facilities.For analog input the mixer features 24 balanced inputs; mic pre-amps, balanced line connections, and insert points.Both mic and line connections may be made to the same channel with one-or-the-other able to be selected by a top panel switch.There are eight assignable send outputs and inputs for external loop effects.The digital side is comprised of three TDIF I/O ports, as well as ADAT "light pipe" I/O and two pairs of stereo S/PDIF or AES/EBU inputs and outputs.Four TASCAM-standard card slots provide I/O expansion capabilities, with a variety of digital, analog, and computer options being available.There are 24 groups, 12 aux sends, and 16 software assignable inserts independent of the analog inserts on the inputs.The DM4800 incorporates digital effects, including a digital reverb programmed by TC works.External effects can be looped through the assignable analog sends and returns (the returns can then be assigned to channels), or kept in the digital domain by using the stereo digital I/O facilities.A dedicated cascade port supports cascade of two DM-4800s.Whether working at base sample rates of 44.1 kHz or 48 kHz or higher sample rates of 88.2 kHz/ 96kHz the DM4800 retains the same number of channels (64 channels) and facilities.Sony P2 9-pin protocols are provided to allow control of other equipment from one central location.The DM-4800 provides automation facilities which are independent of any external computer.The data for projects is stored in industry-standard Compact Flash Cards or easy offline storage and archiving.The Tascam DM-4800 Digital Mixer consists of 25 fully motorized, touch sensitive faders, 24 rotary encoders with ring LED indicators, a dedicated "fat" channel set of controls for instant access to common channel settings, a large clear LCD display, and well-placed system controls.The mixer features 24 balanced inputs; mic preamps w/ +48 volt phantom power and line inputs.Hard wired insert points are provided for the 24 channel inputs.The Tascam DM-4800 provides 64 channel modules which can be assigned to any of the 24 output modules.Of these 64 channel modules, 48 are "full-function" modules with 4-band EQ, digital trim and phase, and full dynamics;processing with compressor/expanders and gates.The additional 16 (simple channels) are more basic in the facilities provided, but still provide full group assignment and aux sends.Rear panel I/O include eight assignable send outputs and inputs, Balanced (XLR) Main Outs (R/L), Unbalanced (RCA) 2-track input, 3-sets of L/R Balanced (TRS) outputs, Stereo AES/EBU Digital I/O, Stereo S/PDIF Coax Digital I/O, ADAT Digital I/O, and 24-channels of TDIF I/O.Rear panel external control consists of word clock (in, out, and through), time code out (RCA), foot-switch out, midi (in, out, and through), RS-422, and GPI output for parallel control.Additional rear panel connectors of the Tascam DM-4800 include connection for optional meter-bridge, cascade ports (supports two DM4800s), 4 expansion card slots, and USB 1.1 connector.

Tascam DM-4800

The "Quiet One" of the Beatles' Fab Four

The "Quiet One" of the Beatles

The Beatles' Band members are also known to fans as the "Fab Four", referring to John Lennon, Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr and George Harrison.Of the four, George Harrison was perceived as the quiet one.Though equally talented, George was observed as low-key regular figure, with quiet demeanor.Such attitude differentiated him from his three co-members and fans dubbed George Harrison as the "quiet one".George was known to be the youngest Beatles' member and it was probably the reason of his unassuming disposition towards his elder buddies, or probably because of his innate nature as a peaceful person.His musical compositions are observed to be reflective of his spirituality.The Fab Four was said to be so close with each other, that even their wives could not understand and get into the four's intimacy.Among George's popular contributions to the Beatles were hit songs entitled "Something" and "Here Comes the Sun".He had composed many songs that were released only after the band disbanded in 1970.After the band's break up, George embarked on a solo career and released his accumulated compositions in an album entitled "All Things Must Pass".The album was reportedly successful.It includes the hit single "My Sweet Lord" that landed no.1 in both the U.S.And U.K.Charts.After "All Things Must Pass", George Harrison had released more albums, like "Living in the Material World" that also came out successful, but was not able to attain the level of popularity that "All Things Must Pass" had achieved.He had also performed with other popular music artists like Bob Dylan and helped formed a group named the "Travelling Willbury".His album entitled "Cloud Nine" reached platinum and was a hit in both U.S.And U.K.Reaching no.1 in the charts.His final album "Brainwashed" was released in 2002 a year after his death.It is through this album that George Harrison earned the 2004 Grammy Award for the Best Pop Instrumental Performance due to "Marwa Blues", his instrumental track.He is listed no.11 in Rolling Stones Magazine's "100 Greatest Guitarist of All Time".Aside from being an acclaimed musician and a song writer, George Harrison also ventured into film making.He established the Handmade Films, and has appeared in some of its movies.He was also known as a gardener.He was said to have worked on developing his gardens and found solace on it.His autobiography "I Me Mine" was dedicated to "gardeners everywhere".George Harrison was involved in humanitarian pursuits and has founded the Material World Charitable Foundation.He initiated a benefit concert for Bangladesh.Apart from the awards and recognitions earned as part of the Beatles, George Harrison was the first recipient of the Billboard Century Award in 1992, for his significant contributions to the music industry and many more posthumous awards.He died in November 2001 at the age of 58.

The "Quiet One" of the Beatles

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

How to Promote Your Music in the Street

How to Promote Your Music in the Street

Promoting your music all the time is known as a daring task, especially inside of a public place with strangers who you love.It's not easy job but if you really need to acquire success you have to do it! Musicians are good at performing in the home, practice pads as well as in the recording studios where they are surrounded with people they know.But if you are willing to motivate to make it big then you definitely must leave your area of expertise.Go get out there and learn to market your music all the time!Setup a Promotional Event.Ask your band members or acquaintances and plan an event.For an example, next Sunday you are likely to that park and can be promoting your music over there.Use Facebook and find an incident page, ask your friends to return as well as entertain you.Inform your fans that you will skin them, talk and perform your music.This would aid you find a buzz of the event therefore you will see some good range of participants.Create Some Promotional Material.Print some flyers, tee-shirts, business cards that have your brand logo and name there.Give it to your people who find themselves curious about your music.You can journal music in a few CDs and then just give it away for free of charge.You may also bring your laptop making them join your Facebook page or mailing list.See these new people and begin a conversation.Seek advice on how one can fare better in your music.Ask the things they like and what they don't.Perform Your Song of the Crowd.This is the greatest endeavor.Perform reside in front of this audience.Sing with confidence and then determine the response.Don't concern yourself with your views; it won't be 100% since you do in the field however it will improve.Ensure you aren't singing such as the people do in subways where people pass and drop change in the case.Do that. ask your mates and fans ahead nearby you and appear on you the entire time.You look only at these people not those who are passing by.When people know there's a crowd, they could come and participate as you are gaining more eyeballs.After each song, welcome these new spectators and produce them feel to be your friend.Strapped your promotional material but don't attempt to sell to them.Rinse and Repeat.Keep making extra motions time and again, when are going to see which you are gaining more crowd and confidence.Take bigger challenges and perform your music in big places.Don't ever worry about what people tell you, be done your charge.When your fanbase will grow you should start to see sales and viral promotion.Go over and sell your music in the road!

How to Promote Your Music in the Street

Serial Murder of Journalists Under the Nose of Police

Serial Murder of Journalists Under the Nose of Police

The reason given by unknown persons who sent Short-Message Service (SMS) through their cellphone to four journalists operating in Abuja, the Nigerian Federal Capital Territory a fortnight ago is as important or dangerous, against the background of the increase in the spate of gruesome murder of journalists, as the end which the message sought to achieve.The unknown persons said they were out to kill the four journalists because their consistent reports against the former chairman of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), Professor Maurice Iwu had succeeded in making the government to eventually sack him.The former speaker of the Federal House of Representatives, Mrs.Patricia Etteh was reported to have openly said that her worst enemies are journalists emphasizing in a more direct way that "I will not talk to you people (journalists); you are my worst enemies forever until I go to my grave." There are a lot of people who would not come out in the open to declare their hatred for journalists but who would brook no sympathy when it comes to eliminating them.Open attacks and molestation of journalists carrying out their legitimate duties by even security operatives attached to the latter-day big men or women have added serious dimension to the total unsafe terrain in which journalists have been operating.The immediate example of this daylight inhuman treatment against journalists were the recent detention, for nearly three hours, in a disused enclosure, of a Peoples Daily newspaper reporter, Mrs.Adeola Tukuru by the security details of Aviation Minister, Mrs.Fidelia Njeze.Not quite long after that, a female Magistrate, Mrs.Zainab Bashir ordered journalists who have gathered to cover a case in her court out of the courtroom and went as far as ordering her security details to handcuff one of them, a correspondent of The Guardian newspaper, Mr.Lemmy Ugbegbe.Magistrate Zainab bellowed to her security men "Handcuff him and take him to prison.Tomorrow, I will listen to contempt charge against him.I am not a friend of journalists.Let me teach them a lesson.".Just on Wednesday last week, unidentified people attacked the Daily Trust newspaper bureau office in Jos, Plateau state capital, smashing the window-panes and destroying other valuables without a clue as to the mission of the attackers.All these speak volumes about the pent up anger and virulent hatred, which have led to a wave of killings of journalists across the country.Central to such killings is the politics which is firmly rooted in personal and group vendetta.Before 1986, Nigerian journalists only had the luxury of hearing the story of murder of journalists from the distance lands.That was when they used to hear of the shooting of Mr.Charles Horman, a freelance journalist in Chile on September 17, 1973 in United States, having been found to be too dangerous to live because he knew too much of America's principal role in the over-throw of Salvador Allede.That was when they used to hear about the death squads visiting the homes or offices of journalists who wrote "bad" stories about the government in Chile, Guatemala and El Salvador, shooting every moving thing to death in broad daylight.That was when they used to hear about how Walter Tobago of The Corriers newspaper was gunned down in 1980 and a number of journalists working for the largest newspaper in Japan, Asahi Shimbun were tied to trees and stoned to death.Even at that, journalists in Nigeria, in concert with what late Dele Giwa said in Daily Times of July 4th, 1979 "Every journalist, be it in Akure or somewhere in Soviet Union, should feel concerned at the wanton killing of any journalist anywhere in the world," empathized with their colleagues in those far away countries.All through the 30 months in which Nigeria went through civil war, there was no reported incidence of murder of journalist, except an isolated case of the detention of Lateef Jakande for an editorial he wrote in the Nigerian Tribune calling for a return to civil rule.Throughout the colonial era when the fight for self-rule was fiercely fought on the pages of newspapers, the colonialists never raised their guns against journalists.The worst situation journalists in Nigeria had faced before and immediately after independence in 1960, and even during the long military regimes were detentions in prisons, solitary confinements and at most, physical torture, like Minere Amakari of the Nigerian Observer who, in 1974, was flogged and his head crudely shaved with broken bottle for daring to publish a story on the teachers' strike in Rivers state at the time the state governor, Alfred Diette Spiff was celebrating his birthday.However, Nigerians woke up on Sunday, October 19, 1986 to be confronted with the murder, through letter-bomb, of the ace Editor-In-Chief of the bobbling Newswatch magazine, Dele Giwa.The nation was not only shocked at the strange development but rose in unison to condemn it.Ever since then, when the nation went into another long military interregnum, there was only a single incidence of the murder of Bagauda Kaltho of The News magazine.Besides that, the only professional hazards journalists went through were intimidation, molestation, harassment, humiliation, frustration, dehumanization, detention without trial, closure of media houses, threats to life and several others.Ironically, just when the nation decided to embrace democracy, which was, of course, championed by journalists, the killing of journalists began.The report, last year (2009), of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) placed Nigeria far below the chart of the countries confirmed to be unsafe for journalists to practice their profession against the background of the high rate at which they were being mowed down in cold blood, usually by unknown assailants.The countries that were rated high as the "unfavourable" territories for journalists because of conflicts and war are Afghanistan, Iraq, and Somali, while other countries that are classified as simply "Unfavourable" because of government policies or individuals' or groups' interests are Mexico, Columbia, Pakistan, Philippines, Brazil, India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Guatemala, Nepal, Venezuela, Russia, China, Cuba, Palestine, Hunduras, Iran and Burma.And in Sub Saharan Africa, the situation is worse in war-turn countries like Somalia, Sudan, Ethiopia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Madagascar and Eritrea.In some of these countries that have entered the record of IFJ, like Ethiopia, only four journalists were killed.Nigeria trailed far behind in the record of IFJ only because it was in that year (2009) that the political correspondent of The Guardian, Mr.Bayo Ohun was assassinated.He was murdered by unknown assailants on September 21, 2009.Before then however, there were cases of the cold blooded murder of Tunde Oladipo of The Guardian and Omololu Falobi of The Punch.In 2008 too, Mr.Abayomi Ogundeji and Godwin Agbroko all of Thisday newspaper were also killed in cold blood in Lagos.Specifically, Mr.Ogundeji, a member of the editorial board of Thisday newspaper and former editor of Comet on Sunday was shot dead by unknown gunmen at a police check-point in Lagos on August 27, 2008.A lady, Miss Tunmise, who was with him when he was killed and who volunteered to be a star witness in the case at the Coroner inquest instituted by the Lagos state government was also shot dead in Sagamu, Ogun state on June 28, 2009 (ten months after the assassination of the journalist).Her assassination came barely two days after she bluntly refused to follow some police men who had gone to force her to a police station for interrogation.Between 2009 and now, Nigeria has been having a harvest of death of journalists through physical elimination.They are the judicial correspondent of The Nation newspaper, Mr.Edo Sule Ugbagwu in Lagos, who was shot in the head at his number 39 Church street, Shasha-Akowonjo in Lagos at 7.00pm on Saturday April 24, 2010; Nathan S.Dabak and Gyang Bwede, deputy editor and reporter respectively, of Life Bearer newspaper, a publication of Church of Christ in Nigeria (COCIN).They were murdered in the latest wake of crisis in Nasarawa-Gwom area of Jos North local government of Plateau state.On June 25, 2009 police in the Task Force team of the Delta state ministry of Land and Urban development forced six reporters who were covering the demolition of illegal structures in Alaba area to lay face-down in a gutter that was oozing with offensive odour.The military people who forced themselves into power may have a way of explaining why they came down hard on journalists, because, for one thing, they are not trained to tolerate "insubordination" from "bloody" civilians like journalists, but what reason would a democratically elected civilian government offer for the far more worse environment it has so far provided the media practitioners?In other word, it is true that journalists saw hell in the hands of the military guys in power, but they never witnessed the kind of serial murder which the democratic dispensation is now offering them; the democratic dispensation on whose platform ideas are supposed to thrive over and above pettiness.Journalists who are essentially the carriers and nurturers of gamut of ideas towards the flourishing of true democracy seem to be at the receiving end of the system.The United Nations Secretary-General, Ban Ki-Moon, in empathizing with Nigerian journalists, condemned the series of killing and observed. "impunity gives the green light to criminals and murderers, and empowers those who have something to hide.".Of course, those who have something to hide and are on the loose to eliminate journalists who have passed the stage "in which all they do is to report what a man says" (Dele Giwa 1979), according to IFD, are terror-government or authority, drug barons and politicians.Ki-Moon insists that government has the duty to protect media workers, saying, "This protection must include investigating and prosecuting those who commit crime against journalists.".Analysts are miffed that despite a series of protests, demonstrations, complaints and appeals by various interests groups, especially the journalists themselves, the government has not bulged; it has not considered it as its duty to protect media workers and above all, to consider the negative consequences of the rising incidence of assassination of journalists in Nigeria amongst the comity of nations.Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ), led by its president, Malam Mohammed Garba, has gone from pillar to post crying itself hoarse, but all that the government has done and is still doing is to abandon the protection of journalists or investigation of the spate of killings of same to the Nigerian police who have the unenviable history of not been able to unravel and bring to justice any one of hundreds of murder cases that piled up across the country.The News Editor of Daily Independent newspaper, Habib Aruna laments that the government's silence on this image denting antics of the marauding murderers is not helping matters, adding. "We (journalists) are in a society that does not like what we are doing.The society is in darkness and we (journalists) represent the civilized world.We are the light and, unfortunately, they do not want light.".While the government is still at tea-table feigning ignorance of the magnitude of the problem at hand, the Enugu state commissioner for Inter-ministerial Affairs, Mr.Okezie Nwanjoku warned that the rising spate of killings of journalists is an embarrassment to the entire nation, adding. "It is a disgrace and an embarrassment to Nigeria that journalists are being killed in a country that is not at war or in any crisis," Nwanjoku said.While sympathizers of journalists, Mr.Ifeanyi Okonkwo and Action Congress (AC) describe journalists in the present circumstances in which they operate as endangered species because of their fight against the societal ills, the chairman of Enugu correspondents' chapel of NUJ, Mr.Tony Edike expressed worry that a silent war has been declared by "unknown" enemies against journalists, asking. "What have we done to deserve these gruesome murders? We don't get allocations or contracts.".Analysts are of the opinion that from experience, any murder case that is left in the hands of the police for action is as good as a dead case, because they have this uncanny way of continuing to investigate murder case till the second coming of the Christ.They expressed the urgent need for the United Nations, Civil Society Groups and other international human rights bodies to intervene in the slide towards total anarchy against journalists, by goading the reluctant Nigerian government to urgently embark on measure aimed at protecting journalists from harassment, intimidation, threat to life and above all, the menace of assassination.As late Dele Giwa said in the Newswatch magazine of June 16, 1986. "One life taken in cold blood is as gruesome as the countless number that may go down a pogrom.So, let's forget about number and talk about life." The precious life!

Serial Murder of Journalists Under the Nose of Police

The Concert For Bangladesh Where Can I Buy Concert For Bangladesh

The Concert For Bangladesh See Concert for Bangladesh Details

List Price : $60.99 Price : $186.54
as of 2012-09-26 11:13 AM
Concert for Bangladesh

    The Beatles - George Harrison Has a New Remixed Best-Of Album

    The Beatles - George Harrison Has a New Remixed Best-Of Album

    Just released last June, Let It Roll's unique packaging includes a 28-page booklet featuring previously unreleased and unique photos, and freshly penned liner notes by Warren Zanes.The collection's nineteen songs were reworked by Giles Martin (George Martin's son) at Abbey Road, and is out in CD and MP3 formats."Let It Roll. Songs by George Harrison is a collection of songs that takes us far into the territory that was ultimately a place unique to George Harrison," writes Warren Zanes in his liner notes essay for the new collection.This Greatest Hits Collection is the 1st to include George's entire solo period , including the #1 Billboard Pop tracks Isn't It A Pity, Got My Mind Set On You, Give Me Love, and "My Sweet Lord.Let It Roll also has concert recordings of 3 timeless songs written by George, Here Comes The Sun, Something, plus While My Guitar Gently Weeps from his early 70s star studded Concert For Bangladesh benefit at Madison Square Garden."The keyhole into the world of George Harrison is the music itself.Yet his songs and the accomplishments for which he's remembered are inextricably bound-and those accomplishments are, without question, eclectic in scope," says the album liner notes.George Harrison has been inducted in the Rock Hall of Fame twice, as a solo artist and as a member of The Beatles, plus he has one 11 Grammy Awards for his career with The Beatles, Traveling Wilburys, and as a solo artist.You can find Harrison's new star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame since last April.The greatest hit's package is an fantastic collection of hits that show just the talent of the former Beatle.It skillfully shows just how much he grew as a songwriter after the Beatles and what a great, musically rich guitar player he was.The songs were personally selected by George's widow Olivia.The hits collection was painstakingly remixed by the son of George Martin, Giles.Pick up your George Harrison's Greatest Hits at. Beatles Gifts.Com.

    The Beatles - George Harrison Has a New Remixed Best-Of Album

    The Three Badfinger Songs With A Beatles Connection

    The Three Badfinger Songs With A Beatles Connection

    Badfinger were one of the first groups signed to the Beatles' new record label Apple in the late 1960s.In a previous incarnation, they were known as The Iveys and had enjoyed a moderate hit in Europe with the song Maybe Tomorrow.Despite this, the Apple hierarchy decided that the Iveys as a band name was not in keeping with the group's new power-pop direction and was considered trite for the times.The Beatles road manager Neil Aspinall stepped in and suggested the new name Badfinger (allegedly a reference to the Beatles song With A Little Help From My Friends, which had boasted a working title of Bad Finger Boogie).Badfinger's association with The Beatles at that time gave them great kudos, but was also to dog them somewhat as comparisons with the fab four became repetitive and wearisome for the principal songwriters, Pete Ham and Tom Evans.They went on to enjoy some success in the US over the ensuing three or four years, but became hamstrung by the poor management contracts they signed along the way.The endless stream of negative ramifications following on from these signings caused huge tensions within the band and proved toxic to their career.The first of the three Badfinger songs to have a direct Beatles connection gave them their biggest UK hit..* Come And Get It - from the album Magic Christian Music, the song was written by Paul McCartney and the eventual recording was almost a mirror image of McCartney's demo version on which he played all the instruments.It made top ten throughout the world, landing them with a 'new Beatles' tag (for better or for worse).* No Matter What - from the album No Dice, initially produced by the Beatles roadie Mal Evans, until final production was completed by one of the Beatles regular engineers since 1966, Geoff Emerick.There was no doubt they'd achieved a much heavier sound on here than anything they'd done as The Iveys.An outstanding lead vocal from Pete Ham, which drew favourable comparisons with Lennon and many other, heavy rock exponents of the time such as Free's Paul Rodgers and Deep Purple's Ian Gillan.* Day After Day - from the 1971 album Straight Up, produced initially by George Harrison whose involvement was suddenly curtailed by his Concert For Bangladesh commitments.The final production credit went to Todd Rundgren.To my ear, it sounds as though the track's lucid slide guitar can only belong to George.

    The Three Badfinger Songs With A Beatles Connection

    Tuesday, September 25, 2012

    The Concert For Bangladesh Online The Concert For Bangladesh Movie Poster (11 X 14 Inches - 28cm X 36cm) (1972) Spanish Style A -(George Harrison)(Bob Dylan)(Ravi Shankar)(Ringo Starr)(Eric Clapton)

    The Concert For Bangladesh See The Concert for Bangladesh Movie Poster (11 x 14 Inches - 28cm x 36cm) (1972) Spanish Style A -(George Harrison)(Bob Dylan)(Ravi Shankar)(Ringo Starr)(Eric Clapton) Details

    List Price : $19.99 Price : $9.49
    as of 2012-09-25 11:13 PM
    The Concert for Bangladesh Movie Poster (11 x 14 Inches - 28cm x 36cm) (1972) Spanish Style A -(George Harrison)(Bob Dylan)(Ravi Shankar)(Ringo Starr)(Eric Clapton)

    Product Description

    The Concert for Bangladesh Poster (11 x 14 Inches - 28cm x 36cm) (1972) Spanish Style A reproduction poster print

    CAST: George Harrison, Bob Dylan, Ravi Shankar, Ringo Starr, Eric Clapton; DIRECTED BY: Saul Swimmer;

    • The Concert for Bangladesh Poster Mini Promo (11 x 14 Inches - 28cm x 36cm) Spanish Style A
    • The Amazon image is how the poster will look; If you see imperfections they will also be in the poster
    • Mini Posters are ideal for customizing small spaces; Same exact image as a full size poster at half the cost
    • Size is provided by the manufacturer and may not be exact
    • Packaged with care and shipped in sturdy reinforced packing material

    The Wide Area Network and Client Server Applications

    The Wide Area Network and Client Server Applications

    There is no denying the fact that the communications servers provide support for wide area network communications.This support typically includes support for a subset of IBM System Network Architecture, asynchronous protocols, X.25, ISDN, TCP/IP, OSI, and LAN-to-LAN NetBIOS communication protocols.In the Novell NetWare accomplishment, Gateway Communications make available a leading communications product.In the LAN Server and LAN Manager environments, OS/2 communications server products are available from IBM and DCA.In the Banyan VINES environment, the addition of DCA products to VINES provides support for SNA connectivity.UNIX servers provide a range of product add-ons from various vendors to support the entire range of communications requirements.VMS servers support Decent, TCP/IP, and SNA as well as various asynchronous and serial communications protocols.MVS servers provide support for SNA, TCP/IP, and some support for other asynchronous communications.Security at the server restricts access to software and data accessed from the server.Communications access is controlled from the communications server.In most implementations, the use of a user login ID is the primary means of security.Using LAN Server, some organizations have implemented integrated Response Access/Control Facility security by creating profiles in the MVS environment and downloading those to the LAN server for domain control.Systems and network management services for the local LAN are managed by a LAN administrator, but WAN services must be provided from some central location.Typically, remote LAN management is done from the central data center site by trained MIS personnel.The discussion in the following sections more specifically describes the functions provided by the server in a NOS environment.Requests are issued by a client to the NOS services software resident on the client machine.These services format the request into an appropriate RPC and issue the request to the application layer of the client protocol stack.This request is received by the application layer of the protocol stack on the server.File services handle access to the virtual directories and files located on the client workstation and to the server's permanent storage.These services are provided through the redirection software implemented as part of the client workstation operating environment.In order to diminish the effort and effect of installation and maintenance of software, software should be loaded from the server for execution on the client.New versions can be updated on the server and made immediately available to all users.Furthermore, setting up in a central location reduces the effort required for each workstation user to knob the installation process.Because each client workstation user uses the same installation of the software, non-compulsory parameters are consistent, and remote help desk operators are aware of them.This simplifies the analysis that must occur to provide support.Sharing information, such as word processing documents, is easier when everyone is at the same release level and uses the same default setup within the software.Central productivity services such as style sheets and macros can be set up for general use.Most personal productivity products do permit local parameters such as colors, default printers, and so forth to be set locally as well.Backups of the server can be scheduled and monitored by a trained support person.Backups of client workstations can be scheduled from the server, and data can be stored at the server to facilitate recovery.Tape or optical backup units are typically used for backup; these devices can readily provide support for many users.Having Placed the server and its backups in a secure location helps prevent theft or accidental destruction of backups.A central location is readily monitored by a support person who ensures that the backup functions are completed.With more organizations looking at multimedia and image technology, large optical storage devices are most appropriately implemented as shared servers.High-quality printers, workstation-generated faxes, and plotters are natural candidates for support from a shared server.The server can accept input from many clients, queue it according to the priority of the request and handle it when the device is available.Many organizations realize substantial savings by enabling users to generate fax output from their workstations and queue it at a fax server for transmission when the communication costs are lower.Incoming faxes can be queued at the server and transmitted to the appropriate client either on receipt or on request.In view of the above discussion it is evident that in concert with workfare management techniques, images can be created and disseminated to the suitable client workstation from the image server.In the client/server model, work queues are controlled at the server by a supervisor in concert with default algorithms that determine how to distribute the queued work.Incoming paper mail can be converted to image form in the mail room and sent to the appropriate client through the LAN rather than through interoffice mail.Centralized capture and distribution enable images to be centrally indexed.This index can be maintained by the database services for all authorized users to query.In this way, images are incarcerated once and are available for circulation instantaneously to all certified users.Well-defined standards for electronic document management will allow this technology to become fully incorporated into the desktop work environment.There are thespian opportunities for cost savings and upgrading in efficiency if this technology is properly implemented and used.

    The Wide Area Network and Client Server Applications

    Internet Income - Sell Your Services Online

    Internet Income - Sell Your Services Online

    E-Commerce is the process of buying, selling and marketing over the internet.All purchases and payments are made over this channel.This has been an issue especially in the developing nations where people have not trusted the process.At the same time, people have been on the look for hackers who want to divert the business information to their own accounts thereby derailing the process.This has not stopped the move, and the introduction of faster and secured internet has greatly contributed to this.This is exactly what the Fiverr is doing; selling services over the internet securely.For you to become a member of the Fiverr so that you can buy or sell through their shop, one needs to register or sign and be given an account.Whoever wants to sell his services through the Fiverr will create a small concert of what he is doing or what you want to sell.Then post so that the world will know about it.In the process someone called a potential buyer will notice your gig and make a step to purchase it.Each advert costs a flat rate amount and the concert should not be too long.The important part of buying and selling services on Fiverr is the pricing.One can get expert assistance at only 5$.That is unbelievable but it is the real fact.The gigs are costing only 5$!Once you are noticed by the potential buyer, he will make an attempt to view it via the internet.If he likes it then he can make an attempt to purchase it at a reasonably small amount of money.Then the buyer has the opportunity to communicate with the seller to get more about what he is buying.Once he is convinced that the service is great, he will still be given some hours to raise any questions to the seller through the Fiverr.The gigs can be done on all services including social marketing, writing, gifts, and advertising.The buyer has the opportunity to start enjoying the service after making a payment through the Fiverr.They will take a small amount of money, almost 20% of the purchase price and give the rest to the seller.This is a very reliable online selling portal that should be given a try.If you have a service you want to put in the public domain for sale, try the Fiverr and you will obviously go far with your service.They will help you connect to the relevant potential buyers and as a result see your business into greater heights.You will earn your money through PayPal or any other way of online accounts.

    Internet Income - Sell Your Services Online

    The Concert For Bangladesh Concert For Bangladesh Finest LAMINATED Print Unknown 11x17 Sale

    The Concert For Bangladesh See Concert for Bangladesh Finest LAMINATED Print Unknown 11x17 Details

    List Price : Price : $67.35
    as of 2012-09-25 11:12 AM
    Concert for Bangladesh Finest LAMINATED Print Unknown 11x17

    Product Description

    Title: Concert for Bangladesh. Artist: Unknown. Image Size: 9.17in. x 7.44in. Paper Size: 11.00in. x 17.00in. Finest LAMINATED Print

    The process of creating a laminate is lamination, which in common parlance refers to the placing of something between layers of plastic and applying heat or cold and/or pressure, usually with an adhesive. Proper laminating can prevent fading from sunlight or other bright lights, destructive Ultra-Violet rays, fingerprints and smudging from simple handling, pollutants, and even the vapors from smoke, cleaning solutions, and other harmful atmospheric elements. If you truly care about a piece of artwork, and choose not to frame it, the only real way to ensure its safety is to laminate the image.


    • Title: Concert for Bangladesh
    • Artist: Unknown
    • Laminated Print
    • Image Size: 9.17in. x 7.44in.
    • Paper Size: 11.00in. x 17.00in.

    Wonderful Tonight by Pattie Boyd - The Enhanced iBook

    Wonderful Tonight by Pattie Boyd - The Enhanced iBook

    It was the most famous love triangle in the history of rock 'n' roll, spawning one of the most iconic songs of all time and arguably, the best known guitar riff ever.Mention the name Pattie Boyd, and most people over the age of 40 will know who you mean.Mention the word 'Layla' and younger, puzzled eyes light up.Any child learning guitar wants to play those opening notes.Pattie Boyd's story is extraordinary.It epitomizes the wild excesses and free love of the sex, drugs & rock 'n' roll years, an era which ignited in the early sixties and had burned out by the early 1980s with most of the protagonists either dead or hopelessly addicted to alcohol, drugs, or both.Bands that did remain were ripped apart by in-fighting between surviving members.Hard rockers throwing TVs out of trashed hotel room windows were replaced by fluffy New Romantics who would never tear through a hotel lobby on a motorbike for fear of wrecking their hairdo or smudging their makeup.Memorabilia from the sixties and seventies changes hands at auction for increasingly ludicrous amounts of money and Pattie Boyd clearly has a trunk load of it.This 'enhanced' version of her autobiography, 'Wonderful Tonight' (the original paper version was oddly named Wonderful Today in the UK) is packed full with letters, photographs, drawings and images that apparently haven't seen the light of day for decades.The opening chapters tell of her childhood years - usually a dull necessity in an autobiography - but before flicking forward to the juicy bits, it's worth taking a look at her childhood photos.Presented as a movie slideshow, Pattie talks through a series of snaps, just like a friend showing you their photo album.It's an original approach that is repeated later in this iBook with a collection of photographs of The Beatles in India, with the Maharishi.A photograph of George & Pattie with Frank Sinatra is accompanied by an audio description of how they joined Sinatra in the studio for his 'one take' recording of My Way.Further into the iBook, she talks about the cover shot of George's solo album, Living in The Material World, explaining that the chauffer and nanny were simply part of the set.Beatles' anoraks, or indeed anyone interested in that era, will be fascinated by memorabilia such as postcards written by George to Pattie whilst on tour with the Fab Four, George and Pattie's marriage certificate, a childlike Christmas card created for Pattie by George and even George's concept for his own record label.A letter written by George to Pattie whilst in New York for the Concert for Bangladesh has also been given the audio commentary treatment.In his letter George writes that the journey on the SS France to NY was not as much fun as the previous one on the QE2.Pattie explains that Tommy Cooper had entertained them on the QE2 voyage.Why does George write that he has seen a washbasin but doesn't know if they can afford it? Surely he was one of the richest rock stars on the planet! Pattie explains that they never carried money and had no idea if they were rich or poor.Cleverly, the presentation allows the reader to listen to the commentary then read the letter.Most magical of all perhaps is a letter written by John Lennon that has been buried in a drawer for almost forty years.In the letter he talks of the grass outside their window (Central Park), that thankfully he doesn't have to mow.He describes an amazing new invention he has discovered - the Polaroid camera - and how the picture leaps out of the camera and develops before your very eyes.He suggests Apple (The Beatles record label which was causing them huge grief at that time) should be given to the lowest bidder or sent to animal slaughter, and talks of spending old age in the Wilfred Pickles Memorial Home.It really is Lennon at his eccentric best.The story that everyone wants the inside track on is what exactly went on between George Harrison, Pattie Boyd and Eric Clapton, and this iBook version lays it all on the table.She tells of how a letter arrived addressed to 'Dearest L.', which she assumed was from a crackpot fan; of how Eric sat her down, played her a tape and it was the most powerful song she had ever heard and she knew it was about her.The song, of course, was Layla.At this point you can touch your iPad screen, connect to the iTunes store, listen to Layla and buy it, if amazingly, you don't already own it.The lunacy of the period between 1970 and 1974 when George and she finally divorced is extraordinary and difficult to keep track of.Popular opinion was that Harrison and Clapton fell out and there was much animosity between the two, but in this iBook Pattie produces a note from George to them both which seems to give his blessing to their affair.Besides the letters the iBook contains another Christmas card, this time drawn by Eric.Were these 70s rockers so desperate to cling to their childhood that they created greetings cards like over exuberant primary school children?Ronnie Wood, who allegedly had an affair with Pattie during the George / Eric kerfuffle, gives his take on this special enhanced version of the book with a video foreword, and pops up later in the book to talk about a drawing he did of Pattie at Friar Park (the Harrison mansion).Wonderful Tonight, the enhanced iBook, is an exceptional example of what can be done with Apple's iPad platform.The subject matter and accompanying content really do lend themselves perfectly to the 3D eBook treatment and the use of clever techniques (such as commentary on photo slideshows) works very well.If you are at all interested in The Beatles, Eric Clapton, or simply a glimpse into the future of publishing, this iBook is well worth a look.Wonderful Tonight, the enhanced version, is available from Apple's iBook store for iPad and iPhone.

    Wonderful Tonight by Pattie Boyd - The Enhanced iBook

    Car Amplifiers - You Never Heard the Music This Way

    Car Amplifiers - You Never Heard the Music This Way

    Doubtfully, there is a person who is not fond of music - the reason is that everyone likes at least one type of music no matter what it is.And another thing all of us have in common is that sometimes we like listening to very loud music.Perhaps, many people have had the feeling that the music can never be played as loudly as they want it to be but everything will change if the car is provided with car amplifiers.It is absolutely true that the music does not sound the same way when a car amp is used- it is pretty much like there is a rock concert in the car.The feeling is really amazing!If wondering whether to purchase an amplifier for your car, you should definitely stop! Just do it! There are plenty of brands which can be found on the market or on the Internet but many of them are kind of cheaters whose products are of extremely poor quality.However, purchasing a car amplifier from our website guarantees that you will receive a product of high quality which is not faulty.Anyway, knowing some of the car amplifiers' features is also important in a way which will preserve you from getting the wrong-for-you product.Basically, there are not many features which you can think of because that is just a like all others! Perhaps, the main factor hinting for the car amplifiers' quality is the decibels which can be produced.For instance, a good car amp must be able to turn up the sound up to 100 decibels.Of course, the electricity consummation may also turn out to be of significance as there are car amplifiers which consume power as if they were monsters! Remember that choosing anything above 800 watts is not recommended!However, you need to be sure that you will pick up the right car amp for you otherwise your ears will not be grateful to you.But choosing a good car amplifier will also contribute to the great atmosphere in your car and you will definitely start to enjoy driving along the streets even more when good music (and good sound in particular) is your "adherent".Doubtfully, there is a person who is not fond of music- the reason is that everyone likes at least one type of music no matter what it is.And another thing all of us have in common is that sometimes we like listening to very loud music.Perhaps, many people have had the feeling that the music can never be played as loudly as they want it to be but everything will change if the car is provided with car amplifiers.It is absolutely true that the music does not sound the same way when a car amp is used- it is pretty much like there is a rock concert in the car.The feeling is really amazing!If wondering whether to purchase an amplifier for your car, you should definitely stop! Just do it! There are plenty of brands which can be found on the market or on the Internet but many of them are kind of cheaters whose products are of extremely poor quality.However, purchasing a car amplifier from our website guarantees that you will receive a product of high quality which is not faulty.Anyway, knowing some of the car amplifiers' features is also important in a way which will preserve you from getting the wrong-for-you product.Basically, there are not many features which you can think of because that is just a car amplifier- like all others! Perhaps, the main factor hinting for the car amplifiers' quality is the decibels which can be produced.For instance, a good car amp must be able to turn up the sound up to 100 decibels.Of course, the electricity consummation may also turn out to be of significance as there are car amplifiers which consume power as if they were monsters! Remember that choosing anything above 800 watts is not recommended!However, you need to be sure that you will pick up the right car amp for you otherwise your ears will not be grateful to you.But choosing a good car amplifier will also contribute to the great atmosphere in your car and you will definitely start to enjoy driving along the streets even more when good music (and good sound in particular) is your "adherent".

    Car Amplifiers - You Never Heard the Music This Way

    Monday, September 24, 2012

    The Concert For Bangladesh Get Cheap Concert For Bangladesh

    The Concert For Bangladesh See Concert for Bangladesh Details

    List Price : $15.98 Price :
    as of 2012-09-24 10:03 PM
    Concert for Bangladesh

      The Three Badfinger Songs With A Beatles Connection

      The Three Badfinger Songs With A Beatles Connection

      Badfinger were one of the first groups signed to the Beatles' new record label Apple in the late 1960s.In a previous incarnation, they were known as The Iveys and had enjoyed a moderate hit in Europe with the song Maybe Tomorrow.Despite this, the Apple hierarchy decided that the Iveys as a band name was not in keeping with the group's new power-pop direction and was considered trite for the times.The Beatles road manager Neil Aspinall stepped in and suggested the new name Badfinger (allegedly a reference to the Beatles song With A Little Help From My Friends, which had boasted a working title of Bad Finger Boogie).Badfinger's association with The Beatles at that time gave them great kudos, but was also to dog them somewhat as comparisons with the fab four became repetitive and wearisome for the principal songwriters, Pete Ham and Tom Evans.They went on to enjoy some success in the US over the ensuing three or four years, but became hamstrung by the poor management contracts they signed along the way.The endless stream of negative ramifications following on from these signings caused huge tensions within the band and proved toxic to their career.The first of the three Badfinger songs to have a direct Beatles connection gave them their biggest UK hit..* Come And Get It - from the album Magic Christian Music, the song was written by Paul McCartney and the eventual recording was almost a mirror image of McCartney's demo version on which he played all the instruments.It made top ten throughout the world, landing them with a 'new Beatles' tag (for better or for worse).* No Matter What - from the album No Dice, initially produced by the Beatles roadie Mal Evans, until final production was completed by one of the Beatles regular engineers since 1966, Geoff Emerick.There was no doubt they'd achieved a much heavier sound on here than anything they'd done as The Iveys.An outstanding lead vocal from Pete Ham, which drew favourable comparisons with Lennon and many other, heavy rock exponents of the time such as Free's Paul Rodgers and Deep Purple's Ian Gillan.* Day After Day - from the 1971 album Straight Up, produced initially by George Harrison whose involvement was suddenly curtailed by his Concert For Bangladesh commitments.The final production credit went to Todd Rundgren.To my ear, it sounds as though the track's lucid slide guitar can only belong to George.

      The Three Badfinger Songs With A Beatles Connection

      Wonderful Tonight by Pattie Boyd - The Enhanced iBook

      Wonderful Tonight by Pattie Boyd - The Enhanced iBook

      It was the most famous love triangle in the history of rock 'n' roll, spawning one of the most iconic songs of all time and arguably, the best known guitar riff ever.Mention the name Pattie Boyd, and most people over the age of 40 will know who you mean.Mention the word 'Layla' and younger, puzzled eyes light up.Any child learning guitar wants to play those opening notes.Pattie Boyd's story is extraordinary.It epitomizes the wild excesses and free love of the sex, drugs & rock 'n' roll years, an era which ignited in the early sixties and had burned out by the early 1980s with most of the protagonists either dead or hopelessly addicted to alcohol, drugs, or both.Bands that did remain were ripped apart by in-fighting between surviving members.Hard rockers throwing TVs out of trashed hotel room windows were replaced by fluffy New Romantics who would never tear through a hotel lobby on a motorbike for fear of wrecking their hairdo or smudging their makeup.Memorabilia from the sixties and seventies changes hands at auction for increasingly ludicrous amounts of money and Pattie Boyd clearly has a trunk load of it.This 'enhanced' version of her autobiography, 'Wonderful Tonight' (the original paper version was oddly named Wonderful Today in the UK) is packed full with letters, photographs, drawings and images that apparently haven't seen the light of day for decades.The opening chapters tell of her childhood years - usually a dull necessity in an autobiography - but before flicking forward to the juicy bits, it's worth taking a look at her childhood photos.Presented as a movie slideshow, Pattie talks through a series of snaps, just like a friend showing you their photo album.It's an original approach that is repeated later in this iBook with a collection of photographs of The Beatles in India, with the Maharishi.A photograph of George & Pattie with Frank Sinatra is accompanied by an audio description of how they joined Sinatra in the studio for his 'one take' recording of My Way.Further into the iBook, she talks about the cover shot of George's solo album, Living in The Material World, explaining that the chauffer and nanny were simply part of the set.Beatles' anoraks, or indeed anyone interested in that era, will be fascinated by memorabilia such as postcards written by George to Pattie whilst on tour with the Fab Four, George and Pattie's marriage certificate, a childlike Christmas card created for Pattie by George and even George's concept for his own record label.A letter written by George to Pattie whilst in New York for the Concert for Bangladesh has also been given the audio commentary treatment.In his letter George writes that the journey on the SS France to NY was not as much fun as the previous one on the QE2.Pattie explains that Tommy Cooper had entertained them on the QE2 voyage.Why does George write that he has seen a washbasin but doesn't know if they can afford it? Surely he was one of the richest rock stars on the planet! Pattie explains that they never carried money and had no idea if they were rich or poor.Cleverly, the presentation allows the reader to listen to the commentary then read the letter.Most magical of all perhaps is a letter written by John Lennon that has been buried in a drawer for almost forty years.In the letter he talks of the grass outside their window (Central Park), that thankfully he doesn't have to mow.He describes an amazing new invention he has discovered - the Polaroid camera - and how the picture leaps out of the camera and develops before your very eyes.He suggests Apple (The Beatles record label which was causing them huge grief at that time) should be given to the lowest bidder or sent to animal slaughter, and talks of spending old age in the Wilfred Pickles Memorial Home.It really is Lennon at his eccentric best.The story that everyone wants the inside track on is what exactly went on between George Harrison, Pattie Boyd and Eric Clapton, and this iBook version lays it all on the table.She tells of how a letter arrived addressed to 'Dearest L.', which she assumed was from a crackpot fan; of how Eric sat her down, played her a tape and it was the most powerful song she had ever heard and she knew it was about her.The song, of course, was Layla.At this point you can touch your iPad screen, connect to the iTunes store, listen to Layla and buy it, if amazingly, you don't already own it.The lunacy of the period between 1970 and 1974 when George and she finally divorced is extraordinary and difficult to keep track of.Popular opinion was that Harrison and Clapton fell out and there was much animosity between the two, but in this iBook Pattie produces a note from George to them both which seems to give his blessing to their affair.Besides the letters the iBook contains another Christmas card, this time drawn by Eric.Were these 70s rockers so desperate to cling to their childhood that they created greetings cards like over exuberant primary school children?Ronnie Wood, who allegedly had an affair with Pattie during the George / Eric kerfuffle, gives his take on this special enhanced version of the book with a video foreword, and pops up later in the book to talk about a drawing he did of Pattie at Friar Park (the Harrison mansion).Wonderful Tonight, the enhanced iBook, is an exceptional example of what can be done with Apple's iPad platform.The subject matter and accompanying content really do lend themselves perfectly to the 3D eBook treatment and the use of clever techniques (such as commentary on photo slideshows) works very well.If you are at all interested in The Beatles, Eric Clapton, or simply a glimpse into the future of publishing, this iBook is well worth a look.Wonderful Tonight, the enhanced version, is available from Apple's iBook store for iPad and iPhone.

      Wonderful Tonight by Pattie Boyd - The Enhanced iBook

      The Concert For Bangladesh Cheapest The Concert For Bangladesh - Sealed Online

      The Concert For Bangladesh See The Concert For Bangladesh - Sealed Details

      List Price : Price :
      as of 2012-09-24 10:03 AM
      The Concert For Bangladesh - Sealed

      Product Description

      George Harrison The Concert For Bangladesh - Sealed UK cassette album

        Of Drugs and Youth

        Of Drugs and Youth

        Today, the problem of drug abuse among the youth has assumed a greater significance and heightened concern in various socio-cultural and economic strata.Though no accurate figures are available to measure the actual extent of the problem, drug addicts reporting to counseling in the country points out that the problem has spread among various age groups, and much among youths aged 16 to 25 years.The age group in which a youth is, signifies the transformation of an adolescent to a young person, which usually is accompanied with the trials and tribulations of a 'child' in becoming a 'grown-up'.A bundle of exuberant but undirected energy, he derives pleasure in taking risks and experimenting with new things.He craves to taste the 'forbidden fruits' in his quest for attaining recognition and status amongst his peers.Such a behaviour often brings him in open or concealed conflict with his parents and 'parent figures' which leads to the much discussed 'conflict of generations' and 'generation gap'.The situation has been further complicated due to the fast paced social transformation brought in the society by rapid industrialisation, urbanisation and rural-urban migration.It has eroded the traditional, informal, social control mechanisms and has even brought in changes in the structure of the family, from joint to nuclear, or at best an extended family.The 'media explosion' has shrunken the world, especially for the youth, and they are now more aware of things around.This has also raised their level of aspiration and ambition.With materialism, consumerism and individualism gaining ascendancy, modern youth is drifting away from his traditional roots and finds it difficult to cope with ever increasing social pressures.Further, the increasing economic pressures compel more and more parents to take full time employment leaving a child, more so a youth, alone in the house or in the company of friends.With no adequate programmes available to keep them busy, they become easy prey to anti-social activities including drug-abuse.There may be various reasons for a youth to take to drug abuse, from just curiosity and a tendency to experiment with.It may be an expression of his revolt against established authority, a way of gaining recognition in his group or he may just not be able to say 'NO', when offered.Therefore awareness creation or preventive education programme for youth is an imperative.In build up immunity amongst them, would promote self-respect and determination, provide experiences which encourage self-respect and sense of dignity, enhances personal and social skill which are necessary for functioning in a rapidly transforming society and provide for professional skills.What is more important is that the leisure time activities of both student and non-student youth are so organised that they provide for healthy recreation and constructive work habits.As is evident, a youth feels more at home within his age-group.Therefore, to reach them, it is but natural to take the help of more active groups among them.In Bangladesh, a strong emphasis has been placed on awareness building against drug-abuse among youth as they are considered to be the most precious asset for human resource development.Financial and technical assistance is provided by the government and NGO's to help them undertake activities such as socio cultural programmes.Experience has shown such programmes have a salutary impact, if backed by a good follow-up programme.It has also been realised that youth power can be harnessed not only from preventing youths from the malady of addiction but also by improving the environment they live in.One such example is the "Rainy Day" concert organised by Prothom Alo to observe the International Day against Drug Abuse and Trafficking.Some 15000 youths saying 'No to drugs' vowed to launch a nationwide movement against drug.I take my hats off to Anusheh who had the gut to narrate her once drug addicted life.Anusheh, you can be a good ambassador to help the drug addicts return to their original track.Such activities/programmes help to identify addicts in their own peer groups.Dare devils as the youth are, they prove to be an asset in reaching rather inaccessible areas of the community, such as, pockets of addiction.Many a time, due to their connection with traffickers, pushers and pedlars, it becomes difficult to impress upon addicts to leave their habit.It is here that the youths, voluntary organisations have not only been able to create awareness but also have been able to muster support for combating trafficking, pushing and peddling drug.

        Of Drugs and Youth

        Michael Jackson's Death - Potential Criminal Liability

        Michael Jackson

        Doctors Move to Hire Criminal Defense Attorney Vital in Protecting His Reputation and Liberty in the Jackson Whirlwind.The death of celebrity brings out the worst in humanity.The recent death of singer/entertainer Michael Jackson has once again proven this tragic point.We have seen it all before. the lurid headlines, anonymous sources, and grist mill of rumors all designed to insinuate wrongdoing by any and every one associated with the celebrity-figure from nanny to granny.To paraphrase American author Ann Morrow Lindberg, we make our heroes in America only to destroy them.Michael Jackson was a phenomenal individual.His creative genius transcended even greatness.It was that creative genius that allowed him to survive child sexual molestation scandals, a seemingly endless array of medical problems, and nagging reports of a litany of drug addictions.The public will never know the whole truth about the private life of Michael Jackson.The purveyors of smut and misinformation will see to that.Mark Twain once said that a lie will travel around the world before the truth can put on its socks.Dr.Conrad Murray, a cardiologist with practiced in Houston and Las Vegas, discovered the singer's near lifeless body in the bedroom of the Los Angeles mansion where Jackson was living.The doctor performed CPR in an effort to revive Jackson and was present when Jackson was pronounced dead in the emergency room of the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center.The doctor is discovering quickly that the media does not always get it right the first time.Almost immediately media reports began to circulate linking Dr.Murray to injections of the narcotic drug Demerol (and now Morphine, Vicodin, Diprivan and who knows what else), prior to Jackson's death.The reports were fueled by misinformation that Dr.Murray had mysteriously disappeared after reporting Jackson's death; that he had refused to meet with Jackson family members; that he refused to sign a death certificate; and was even evading the police who wanted to discuss with him the timeline of events leading up to the singer's death.The direct and indirect implication of these sensational media reports was that Dr.Murray was somehow responsible for Jackson's untimely death.We don't know what happened in that Los Angeles mansion the day Jackson died or the events leading up the singer's death.The Los Angeles police department is still investigating that matter, sifting through the stories trying to determine fact from rumor, in an effort to determine what, if any, criminal wrongdoing may have been associated with the death of the man who gave the world "Thriller.".As criminal defense attorneys, we are committed to facts-not speculation, suspicion or innuendo.The news media should be committed to the same principle, but the mainstream media outlets have been so concerned about being left behind the eight ball in the Jackson case that they have resorted to tabloid-style journalism in their coverage of the singer's death.Many media outlets have reported rumor as fact resulting in death threats to Dr.Murray.We find this entire turn of events to be rather sordid and unseemly.In the meantime, Dr.Murray did the only rational, responsible thing he could do.He hired a Houston criminal defense lawyer, Ed Chernoff, to protect not only his professional integrity but to guide him through the horrific legal maze now confronting him.Dr.Murray is now speaking through his legal representative to clear up many of the media-generated misrepresentations concerning his involvement in Jackson's death.Dr.Murray's counsel has empathically informed the media, just as Dr.Murray told the LAPD, that he has never prescribed Demerol or any other addictive pain-killing medication to Jackson.The doctor's counsel further said Dr.Murray happened to pass Jackson's bedroom on the afternoon the singer died and noticed he was experiencing difficulty breathing.The doctor, according to counsel, immediately began administering CPR after finding a faint pulse in Jackson's femoral artery.Since the doctor did not know the physical address of the mansion where Jackson was living, he was forced to seek and locate staff members who knew the mansion's physical address and who could make the 911 emergency call.Dr.Murray stayed with Jackson as he was transported in an ambulance to the UCLA medical center and remained in the emergency room as the medical staff unsuccessfully tried to revive the singer.When asked to sign a death certificate, Dr.Murray refused, saying he believed an autopsy should be performed to determine the exact cause of death.That was a responsible decision because the singer had not exhibited any signs of a serious medical problem in the days leading up to his death-a period during which he had engaged in intense rehearsals for an upcoming 50-city concert tour.Further, according to his lawyer, after Jackson had been officially pronounced dead, Dr.Murray met with members of the Jackson family to inform them about what had transpired leading up to the singer's death and to offer his personal condolences to them.As evidenced by the criminal indictments returned in connection with the 1977 death of Elvis Presley and the 2007 death of Anna Nicole Smith, it is understandable that there would be speculation about Dr.Murray's relationship with Michael Jackson, particularly since the doctor only met the singer several months ago.In the wake of Elvis Presley's death, the flamboyant singer's personal physician Dr.George Nichopoolas was indicted on 14 counts of over-prescribing drugs to Presley and fellow rockabilly crooner Jerry Lee Lewis.The indictment charged that Nichopoolas had prescribed 10,000 serious addictive drugs to Presley alone.The doctor, however, was acquitted of all charges, although his medical license was ultimately permanently revoked by a Tennessee medical board.In the Anna Nicole Smith case, two of Smith's personal physicians (Sandeep Kapoor and Kristine Eroshevich) and her attorney/boy friend Howard Stern were indicted for allegedly providing the buxom blonde actress with a steady diet of pills and opiates.In a press conference after the announcement of the indictments, California's 70-year-old Attorney General and possible 2010 gubernatorial candidate Jerry Brown told attending reporters in March 2009.."There is a general tolerance and indulgence of drugs.Everyone knows a doctor, many people take sleeping pills and then they take another pill, we have drug advertising.The American people are being propagandized to be more tolerance of drugs .I personally think this is damn serious and I hope these courts take it more seriously than they have in the past and this is only one in a series of efforts to crack down on doctors.We've already gone after a hundred other doctors and we'll be stepping up the prosecution in the months ahead.".That is precisely why Dr.Murray quickly secured legal representation.Politicians seeking higher office are worse than tabloid journalists running amuck.There is nothing sacred-certainly not the truth, honesty, or integrity.Attorney General Brown is actually a Johnny-come-lately in the crackdown on "pain doctors." The doctor almost universally recognized as the original "pain doctor" is a Virginia physician named William Hurwitz.He believed in prescribing whatever amount of narcotics was necessary to effectively manage pain.Dr.Hurwitz quickly found himself at odds with the Virginia Board of Medicine and in 2003 the board found "fault" with some of his prescription practices but ruled the doctor had engaged in them "in good faith.".The federal government was not so kind and understanding.Federal prosecutors targeted Hurwitz for drug distribution prosecution.In 2004 the doctor was convicted of more than 50 counts, sentenced to four 25-year terms, and forty-six 15-year terms-all of which were to be served concurrently.The Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals, however, in August 2006 reversed his conviction and ordered that the doctor be retried.The Government was not deterred by this appeal setback.In March 2007 the government initiated its second prosecution of Hurwitz.This time a jury convicted him of 16 counts of drug trafficking in connection with prescribing pain medication to his patients but acquitted him on another 17 counts of drug trafficking.The trial judge dismissed the remaining 12 counts, and in July 2007 the judge sentenced the doctor to four years and nine months in a federal prison.He remains in federal custody.The indictments in the Presley/Smith cases, and the multiple convictions of Dr.Hurwitz, virtually guarantees that there will be criminal indictments flowing from the death of Michael Jackson.The Los Angeles County Coroner's office and police investigators have removed a significant amount of physical evidence, reportedly several large bags of drugs and possible syringes from the LA mansion where Jackson was living.The LAPD is contacting every pharmacist in the county about prescriptions that may have been intended for the singer (whether in his name or in a fictitious name as is common in prescription fraud cases).Michael Jackson was sued by one pharmacy that claimed the singer owed them over $100,000 for a two year balance on prescriptions they alone had filled for him.Will they be the target of a criminal investigation? Doctors, pharmacists, friends, family, and the usual entourage of hangers-on should all follow the lead of Dr.Murray and seek the advice, guidance, and protection of experienced legal counsel.Anyone that may have prescribed or administered to Michael Jackson a pill or a shot stands a good chance of being swept up in the whirlwind of prosecution that is sure to follow.Top tier legal representation is a must for anyone that is questioned by investigators in this matter.As is usually the situation in high-profile cases in Los Angeles, legal experts are already lining up to question the integrity of the investigation being conducted by the LAPD.The experts point to the fact that a moving van of some sort was seen pulling up to the Jackson mansion and hauling away undisclosed items shortly after his death.The legal experts have noted that criminal defense attorneys will have a field day asserting that the "investigation" was either compromised or impeded by the post-Jackson- death removal of items from the mansion.In the end, we feel fairly confident in saying Michael Jackson's death will most likely be resolved in a courtroom by attorneys representing the State of California, the Jackson family, and the individuals who may be indicted in connection with the singer's death.It will play, and end, like most opera tragedies.

        Michael Jackson

        Sunday, September 23, 2012

        The Concert For Bangladesh Cheapest Concert For Bangladesh FINEST BRAND CANVAS Print With Added Heavy BRUSHSTROKES Unknown 11x17 Online

        The Concert For Bangladesh See Concert for Bangladesh FINEST BRAND CANVAS Print With Added Heavy BRUSHSTROKES Unknown 11x17 Details

        List Price : Price : $88.94
        as of 2012-09-23 10:03 PM
        Concert for Bangladesh FINEST BRAND CANVAS Print With Added Heavy BRUSHSTROKES Unknown 11x17

        Product Description

        Title: Concert for Bangladesh. Artist: Unknown. Image Size: 9.17in. x 7.44in. Paper Size: 11.00in. x 17.00in. FINEST BRAND CANVAS Print With Added Heavy BRUSHSTROKES

        This is an unstretched canvas print which will be rolled and securely shipped in a sturdy tube. This beautiful canvas print also has heavy added artist brushstrokes painted onto the print as well. All canvas prints should be cared for to avoid exposure to dust, grime or finger grease in handling.


        • Title: Concert for Bangladesh
        • Artist: Unknown
        • Canvas - Added Heavy Brush Strokes
        • Image Size: 9.17in. x 7.44in.
        • Paper Size: 11.00in. x 17.00in.

        Six Tips for Running A Successful Open Air Concert

        Six Tips for Running A Successful Open Air Concert

        The range of open air concerts varies from a music fest to a small family gathering.Sometimes the concerts might be free of charges.But a practise of ticketing before admission to the concert arena also prevails.Different types of musical acts are performed at an open air concert including folk, pop, classical, rock, reggae and so forth.Usually an open air concert takes place in a stadium or in a sports complex, in parks or pre-selected concert venues, while the process involves a great sum of activities as well as forecast to make it a success.Before arranging a concert, the promoters should be aware of the following issues that can hinder the smooth operation of the concert.As the first step, point out the motive of the concert.The motive may differ from fund raising or to give a fresh entertainment to the audiences.Mostly it happens that if the concert is for fund raising or any charitable activity, the show turns into a ticketed one.The audience must spare a sum of money to enjoy the show.And if it is for entertainment only, it may not cost a single buck to the people.Moreover, the concert event should be publicised revealing its function to arrest attention of people.This can be done by using posters, leaflets containing the details of the concert (the venue, participants, schedules, costs etc).Finding a suitable location and the climatic conditions of the locality where the concert is slated to be held, matters more than any other issues.It is another reckoning factor since sudden foul weather during the concert may cause a havoc for both the performers and the audiences present there.A potential downpour may mess up the event and the electronic equipments used for the concert as well.Therefore, it is imperative to arrange concerts in summer and winter when people can enjoy the live performance without any natural interruption.A clearly visible stage for the performance should be set up.Instead the audience will fail to get the clear vision of the performance amid the stirring crowd.Besides, the energetic music makes the audience dance before the stage.Therefore, a transitory dancing area is a prerequisite during an open air concert event, and a strongly fenced dancing zone is an excellent idea.Since most of the musical instruments used on a concert run on electricity, the promoters should set up alternative power backings, if the location is beyond the public electricity network.Alternative generators or other power sources should be deputed to avoid any interruption.Loudspeakers and amplifiers are kept in a traditional distinct shape (a towering shape) to produce ample resonance mostly in heavier concert sessions.The promoting agency must try to control the excessive noise out of the loudspeakers which may upset the neighbourhood people.Last but not the least; music selection is an important issue.The music must follow the taste and likeness of the people attending the concert.Music according to different genres can be played on the concert as audience of different tastes will gather at the concert.

        Six Tips for Running A Successful Open Air Concert